The SCORES concept (Figure below) is based on a hybrid system combining effectively and efficiently solutions that harvest electricity and heat from the sun, store electricity, convert electricity into heat, store heat, and manage the energy flows in the building. The following ideas and assumptions are the starting point for the development of this highly inter-disciplinary overall concept:
SCORES approach consists of 3 technology development lines and 3 integration and demonstration lines as depicted below. The aims of this approach are threefold:
The most recent trends looking at the roadmap to achieve the 2050 European energy and climate sustainability goals for renewable energy, CO2 emissions and energy efficiency indicate that R&D efforts must combine electricity and heat at the global and local levels. For this purpose, a multi-energy approach on energy generation and conversion is required to release the full potential of intermittent renewable energies. As the building sector accounts for 40% of the total European energy consumption and intends to be “near zero energy” in 2050, the share of renewable energy locally generated and self-consumed in the building must be increased. Hybrid storage (i.e. storage of electricity and heat) is indispensable for creating flexibility, allowing to optimize the balance between the supply and consumption profiles of both electricity and heat for the lowest cost.
The main goal of SCORES is to demonstrate in the field the integration, optimization and operation of a building energy system including new compact hybrid storage technologies, that optimizes supply, storage and demand of electricity and heat in residential buildings and that increases self-consumption of local renewable energy in residential buildings at the lowest cost.
Impact of the Scores system will be a broad assessment covering various economical levels like individual home owners, housing companies, grid owners, energy companies and governments, ecological issues and also the security of supply /reduced European dependence on fossil fuels originating from instable countries from across the globe. Within this impact assessment a first evaluation is performed for two demonstrations as planned in the SCORES project (for details, see Chapter 1.3.3), one representing typical conditions of an apartment block with district heating (demonstration A in Northern Europe) and the other representing typical conditions of an apartment block without district heating (demonstration B in Southern Europe).
On the average, total energy use for existing dwellings in Europe is 0.75 GJ/m2/year (i.e. 208 kWh/m2/year) consisting of cooking (1%), electricity (33%), domestic hot water use (15%) and space heating (51%). Clearly, thermal energy makes up the biggest part by far (66%). Although significant variations exist over the EU 28 (numbers in TOE, Tons of Oil Equivalent shown in Figure 13, 1 TOE = 42 GJ = 12 MWh), the chosen demos can be considered as representative and will give a good first indication of the potential techno-economic impact. Optimization of the SCORES system configuration will be possible for future applications in order to maximize the self-consumption
Demonstration of the integrated hybrid energy system will take place in two real buildings representative of different climate and energy system configurations for 3 cases, in Northern Europe (Austria) with and without a heat grid, and in Middle/Southern Europe (France) without a heat grid. Through smart combination and optimization on the system level SCORES will evaluate technical, economic and environmental benefits being larger than the sum of their parts. The partners in the consortium are the key actors for the required technologies that will be integrated in the project, representing strong industrial partners (OEMs) in the value chain for future exploitation of compact hybrid energy system.
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