

Economics and policy perspectives for hybrid storage within the building sector

6th of April 2022

Organized by: Scores project and EDF

Download the agenda

The Policy Workshop was dedicated to the presentation of lessons learnt from SCORES project, questioning the current regulation in the building sector, perspectives regarding future directives and also the profitability of local energy storage systems. Invited speakers from the energy sector and policy institutions shared their strategies around this question of multi-energy system with storage capability that can use local and renewable energy while providing flexibility to the grid.

Watch the workshop here:


Hybrid domestic energy systems of the future

17th of February, 2022

Organized by: Scores projectBUILD UP and HYBUILD

Download the presentation and agenda

Watch the webinar here:


29.04.2022 | Scores I Demo Sites Seminar

The Training Demo Sites Seminar was organized on the 20th of April 2022. The project coordinator introduced the project, those responsible for each demo site presented each of the demo sites and those responsible for each installed technology presented the respective solution. Watch the seminar here.

13.04.2022 | Event I Demo Sites Seminar Invitation
Our partners from IPS are organizing the Scores Demo Sites Seminar!
Save the date 20th of April 2022, 10:00 - 12:00 CET.
Find out more information here and download the agenda.